About the product

Spring has barely begun and asparagus is already back on all menus. Compared to white asparagus, green asparagus contains more vitamin C and beta-carotene. It gets its green colour from chlorophyll because it grows above ground. It also tastes heartier, does not need to be peeled and has a shorter cooking time.

Did you know? … Fresh asparagus can be recognised by the squeak when you rub two asparagus together. It also feels firm and plump.




If present, remove the elastic band. Green asparagus keeps best standing upright, in a vase with cold water. To protect the tips, you can wrap them in a beeswax cloth. Place the “asparagus bouquet” in a cool place out of direct sunlight. The refrigerator, cellar or pantry are also suitable for this. It will keep for at least 3-4 days.

Varieties available at LLOMBART

Green asparagus

Brands available at LLOMBART

Various supplier brands
