Netted melons

The common cantaloupe varieties Charentais and Galia belong to the group of netted melons. The Charentais has a creamy-yellow or greenish skin that is either smooth or slightly corked. They are easily recognised by their naturally marked segments. Their flesh is orange and very aromatic. The Galia is yellow on the outside and finely meshed. Its flesh is white to salmon-coloured. It is also aromatic and has a typical fragrance.
Did you know? … Botanically, the melon is more closely related to the cucumber than to the watermelon. It is at the blossom end (not at the stem) that a ripe melon gives off its aroma most intensely.
At 7 – 10°C the melon will keep for several weeks.
Varieties available at LLOMBART
Charantais, Galia
Brands available at LLOMBART
Various supplier brands