
Botanically speaking, the strawberry belongs to the nuts. With over 1,000 different varieties, strawberries are one of the most diverse fruits. Every year we eat around 3.5 kilos per capita. So it’s no wonder that around 150,000 tonnes of the small fruit are harvested in Germany every year. Strawberries also belong to the rose family.
Did you know … Strawberries are by far the most popular soft fruit and ranked 6th in the most purchased fruit varieties.
Strawberries are very sensitive and therefore can only be stored for a limited time. At temperatures of 7-10°C, short storage is possible, which at the same time preserves the aroma.
Varieties available at Llombart
Allegro, Clery, Sibilla, Aprica, Lambada and more
Brands available at Llombart